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Currently switching over from GR.


My GoodReads profile is:  http://www.goodreads.com/ErikaWasTaken.

Currently reading

Lauren Myracle
Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

By the Numbers

Reblogged from Howdy YAL!:

This post is by Ceridwen, in case that gets reblogged out. 


Now, I know that resident BookLikers are likely sick of the recent influx of the Goodreads diaspora and all our shouting. I've been involved in in-groups on social media long enough to know how irritating n00bs are with their casual galumphing over social standards developed and maintained by the invested members of a platform. So to you BookLikes Golden Agers, I apologize for continuing to complain about my Goodreads ex-boyfriend while I'm on a date with BookLikes. 


That said, I have released the database that collects 12 of the 21 delete lists in Goodreads's recent policy change, in addition to an analysis - with charts! - of the data. Goodreads has been frustratingly vague in what they consider actionable; here are the book reviews that they have taken action against. I would seriously love it if folk would use this database to find out more about what Goodreads deems actionable. 


Science is sexy, friends. 


Science is Sexy